Secret tea recipes that will help you lose weight

Each of us has long been aware of the healing properties of tea. We are constantly buying new types of this drink, someone likes green, someone likes classic tart. And how children love the various fruit options!

With the development of science and technology, we are constantly learning something new, and now green tea is used instead of coffee and if you add lemon and honey to it, then it turns into medicine. Still, tea rejuvenates our cells, improves mood.

Is there a result?

honey and cinnamon for slimming tea

The use of special teas for weight loss can give excellent results. All the recipes we have chosen improve metabolism, relieve hunger and invigorate perfectly.

No wonder, because to achieve the best effect, berries, herbs, seasonings are used, which have long been famous for their positive effect on the body.

To correct weight, teas with the addition of ginger, green tea and herbs are often used.

The essence of achieving the effect of losing weight is that some components work as diuretics, while others have taken on the role of "accelerators" of metabolism, which helps to remove toxins and toxins, as well as burn fat. Which one to choose depends on your tastes.

We have tried to cover a wide range and offer you recipes for five effective weight loss teas:

  • cinnamon tea;
  • raspberry tea for weight loss;
  • ginger green tea;
  • apple tea for weight loss;
  • herbal tea.

Cinnamon tea recipe for weight loss

Such tea has many useful properties and in addition to the results in weight loss, you will improve your health and strengthen your immune system. Although this is not even tea, but a cinnamon drink.

To prepare it, you need to mix two tablespoons of honey with a tablespoon of cinnamon and pour a liter of hot water (but not too much). This mixture must first be infused for a day in the refrigerator, then taken every morning after waking up and half an hour before bedtime in the amount of ½ cup.

Raspberry tea for weight loss

Easy to brew and raspberry tea. It is easy and convenient to cook if you have a summer cottage where raspberries grow. If so, ask your friends and acquaintances to help you.

Next, according to the recipe, you will need a teaspoon of chopped raspberry leaves, a glass of water and a saucepan. Add the leaves to boiling water, boil for a few minutes and leave to infuse for 20 minutes.

Add the fresh grated berries to the infusion. Thanks to the beneficial properties of raspberries, your metabolic processes will accelerate and the feeling of hunger will subside. In addition to the noticeable effect, raspberries help regulate blood sugar and hormone levels.

Green tea with ginger

green tea for weight loss

Add a piece of fresh ginger to the brewed green tea. Insist for an hour and take when the desire arises.

Thanks to ginger, tea will acquire a sour and spicy taste that does not spoil it at all.

Ginger also helps burn excess calories and improves complexion.

Green tea, as everyone knows, contains antioxidants that slow down aging.

Hot ginger tea is also used to treat coughs and colds.

apple tea for weight loss

Brew strong black tea and add a small sour apple, which must first be cut into small pieces.

Leave for 5 minutes and drink. In addition to good taste, the drink will bring you many benefits in the form of strengthening blood vessels and lowering blood cholesterol levels.

herbal tea

Perhaps the most popular tea for weight loss was and remains herbal tea. And there is nothing strange about this, because herbal preparations delight with their variety and wide spectrum of action. Many just make one type of herb separately (St. John's wort, dandelion root), some prefer more complex recipes.

To reduce weight, of course, it is better to use herbal teas, which contain several components that lower cholesterol, accelerate metabolic processes, remove toxins, that is, affect everything at once.

Usually, teas are brewed in a water bath, they are taken twice a day, but it all depends on the characteristics of your body as a whole and by whom, what components are included in the tea.

We offer one of the most popular weight loss supplements: sea buckthorn bark - 50g, dandelion root - 20g, parsley - 10g, fennel fruit - 20g and fresh mint leaf. Grind all the ingredients and pour two cups of boiling water. Infuse for half an hour, drink in the morning on an empty stomach.

All the recipes are quite simple, they can be combined to your liking. Their main advantage is that in addition to helping you lose weight, they have a pleasant taste and can be used in place of the usual cup of tea or coffee.